My Internet Speed

Check Internet speed using a free online test


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Description File size Download duration Upload duration
Favicon 500 B ??? ???
Document 20 KB ??? ???
Webpage 2 MB ??? ???
eBook 5 MB ??? ???
360p Movie 450 MB ??? ???
CD 700 MB ??? ???
720p Movie 2.3 GB ??? ???
DVD 4.7 GB ??? ???
Blu-ray 25 GB ??? ???
HDD 1 TB ??? ???

How to verify Internet speed?

In short, just press the “Test my Internet Speed” button and wait a few seconds to see your results. However, for more accurate results, before starting the test, stop any active downloads or programs that intensively use your Internet connection.

How much data is transferred during the test?

The size of the downloaded and uploaded data directly depends on your Internet speed. For example, having a download speed of 30 megabits per second and a upload speed of 15 megabits per second, the total amount of transferred data will be about 60 MB. While on a GPRS network will be transferred about 200 KB.

What unit of measurement to choose?

The Megabit per second (abbreviated as Mbps or Mbit/s) is the unit of measurement for the transfer rate. So choose “Mbps” if you want to know the speed according to International System of Units (SI). On the other hand, as rule file sizes are measured in Megabytes, not Megabits. Therefore, if you want to know how fast you will upload or download files, select the “MB/s” option.

For example, let’s say you want to download a 100 MB file. Knowing your speed is 5 MB/s, it is very easy to calculate that you will download that file in 20 seconds. Now try to calculate how long it will take to download the same file, knowing that your speed is 40 Mbps. That’s right — the same 20 seconds, because 5 MB/s is equal to 40 Mbps. However, I hope you agree that the first option is much simpler, since you do not need to manually convert the Megabits to Megabytes.

Can I judge my ISP based on the results of this test?

You can use the results of this Internet speed test only as reference information. This information is not legally binding and you cannot use it as the main evidence against your provider. If your speed is lower than promised by your ISP, before contacting it, please test your Internet speed using other services and make sure that the speed is really too low.

Why did you develop MyInternetSpeed.Online?

Considering that there are many Internet speed testing services, you may be wondering why we need another one and what are its advantages. Well, the main difference is that this test was developed to find out the Internet speed available to you when visiting regular sites and services. The problem is that most services determine the speed of the Internet, using specific servers that are intended only for testing. Because of this, you may encounter the fact that when testing bandwidth on such services, the speed is rather high, but much lower when visiting sites or downloading files. As a rule, these differences may arise because of the following reasons:

  1. The testing server is near you, while the visited site is located far away.
  2. Bandwidth of the visited site is limited (this may be a technical limitation or a temporary issue).
  3. Internet service provider (ISP) intentionally speeds up or slows down the bandwidth.

The most common reason is the first one, because testing services offer users to connect to the nearest server, which often it is a local ISP, and because of this it can be said that in such cases you perform an ISP speed test, but do not test your current Internet speed. Moreover, even if you manually select a test server from another country, most likely this will also be an Internet service provider and the results will again not give a proper representation of ​​the Internet speed.

I by no means say that other speed tests are not good for testing. On the contrary, there are many good testing services, such as,,, and others. They are ideal to find out the maximum speed of the Internet and make sure that you get what you pay for. However, as an active Internet user, I am more interested in how fast the Internet is when I visit regular websites, download files, share media content, make video calls, and other actions that require low latency, ultra-fast download speed, and pretty fast upload speed. So I created a test to check my Internet speed, and a little later, I decided to create a free website for everyone. And here you are. Welcome! I am glad that you have visited this site, and I hope that you will find it useful.

What makes this test special?

This test is powered by Google Cloud Storage and because of this it can be safely said that it performs a Google Cloud Storage speed test. However, since it is a popular online file storage service many sites use it to store static files (for example, among their clients are Vimeo, Spotify, WiX, Evernote). This means that when visiting sites it is very likely that they also use Google Cloud Storage and, accordingly, the results of this test will be very accurate. Even if many sites do not store files on Google Cloud Storage, I think that using it for tests will give more accurate results than using ISP or local servers.